Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/08/07 02:10
Vince Morgan wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:kpqdnd8GMfhP36LbnZ2dnUVZ_rOqnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Vince,
>> Almost - but the assignment into $var is an operation, also. More below.
>> Vince Morgan wrote:
>>> "Vince Morgan" <vinharAtHereoptusnet.com.au> wrote in message
>>> news:463f3216$0$15845$afc38c87@news.optusnet.com.au...
>>>> <?
>>>> function &get()
>>>> {
>>>> global $r;
>>>> return $r;
>>>> }
>>>> $r=5;
>>>> $var=$r;
>>>> echo $var;//output is 5 as expected.
>>>> $r=6;
>>>> echo $var;//output is still 5 as not expected, by me that is ;)
>>>> $var=$r;
>>>> echo $var;//output is now 6
>>>> ?>
>>> Oooops, getting too late evidently. I meant to write the following.
>>> <?
>>> function &get()
>>> {
>>> global $r;
>>> return $r;
>>> }
>>> $r=5;
>>> $var=get();
>> get() is returning a reference. But you are assigning a copy into $var.
>>> echo $var;//output is 5 as expected.
>>> $r=6;
>>> echo $var;//output is still 5
>>> $var=get();
>> Same as above.
>>> echo $var;//output is now 6
>>> ?>
>> If you change these to
>> $var = $get();
>> You will get 5, 6 and 6, respectively.
>> There's a discussion about it at
>> <http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.references.return.php>
> Thank you for taking the time Jerry.
> I haven't the time just yet to read the entire linked article, but have read
> enough already to realize my understanding of references in php is
> incorrect.
> Thanks again,
> Vince
I wouldn't say it's incorrect. Maybe just a little incomplete. :-)
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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