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Re: Passing session variables across pages

Posted by K. A. on 05/08/07 04:19

> I see some code posted above - but is this ALL of your code? For
> instance, you have:
> 3. testvariables.php
> // User is successfully directed to the right page, page opens up.
> <?php
> if (session_start())
> echo "<p>session started</p>";
> echo "<p> UserName: ( " . $_SESSION["userid"]. " )</p>";
> echo "<p> Password: ( " . $_SESSION["password"]. " )</p>";
> Is this ALL of the code? Where are the <head></head><body> tags, for
> instance? Do you not have them in there?
No, I only posted what I thought was neccesary to show.
Yes, I do have the HTML tages, they come after session_start() and
before calling echo "<p> UserName: ( " . $_SESSION["userid"]. " )</

Does this help?



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