Posted by Laurence Breeze on 05/08/07 09:55
Thanks to both of you for your advice. I've run DBCC CHECKDB on the
databse and there are no errors:
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database
I notice I didn't say in my original message that I did this on a
non-live database.
I've also run DROP STATISTICS for each of the non-index entries in the
sysindexes catalog for the table in question successfuly. There are now
only 90 entries for this table - all of which are indexes.
This has got around the immediate problem. However, it seems to me that
there is an underlying problem in SQLServer (2000). It appears not to
allow the creation of an index when there are less than the maximum 249
indexes allowed on a table because there are entries in the sysindexes
table that are related to statistics - and nothing to do with indexes.
Perhaps I'm missing something - but this seems downright wrong. How do
others deal with this issue.
Hugo Kornelis wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2007 15:25:31 +0100, Laurence Breeze wrote:
> (snip)
>>I've got around the immediate problem by deleting one of these entries
>>from sysindexes and I've been able to create the index I wanted. All
>>seems well, but is this likely to cause a problem ?
> Hi Laurence,
> Erland already wrote that this might cause inconsistency. I'll take it a
> step further ans say that you probably HAVE caused inconsistency. One of
> the things you'll probably have damaged is the admnistration of free and
> allocated disk space. You might also have caused further damage.
> I'd advice you to execute a DBCC CHECKDB immediately, and make sure that
> you know where you stored the most recent backup of your database as it
> might, if you're unlucky, even be damaged beyond repair.
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