Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 05/09/07 22:53
At Wed, 09 May 2007 15:38:20 -0700, HoldMyCorona let his monkeys type:
> On May 8, 1:25 am, Schraalhans Keukenmeester <inva...@invalid.spam>
> wrote:
>> At Mon, 07 May 2007 21:50:26 -0700, HoldMyCorona let his monkeys type:
>> > I am loking to make changes on my site and I need someone that can
>> > assist me. Either i must be cheap or wanting to do it for experience
>> > please..
>> > Also dont post chilish rants. I am asking nicely and I know there is
>> > some real jerks in here..
>> ^^^^^^^^^^
>> Not the smartest way to get people's assistance, but okay, English isn't
>> your mother tongue...
>> What you ask is too vague, too all-encompassing. The group can and will
>> probably help you if you ask specific questions. I doubt you'll find
>> someone here to simply do what you could do yourself.
>> Maybe if you tell us how much it's worth to you you might get a volunteer.
>> Also specify WHAT you want him/her to do. 'Changing my site' covers a lot
>> of possibilities.
>> HTH
>> Sh.
> well I am being direct and honest. If the person would emailme direct
> AS I asked then I would talk to them about it. Perhaps you should read
> the psoting as well. and insulting people about English, which there
> is nothing wrong it it, makes you look more like an ass...People makes
> mistakes and if you are so anal to think otherwise then you are
> laughing at you..Also, I know what scope of work it covers. perhaps
> instaed of yout typing all that stuff out you coudl make yourself
> useful other ways instead:P
Indeed, a waste of my energy.
Tempting as it is to have a go at your social skills, I will limit myself
to using the appropriate pan menu option for these cases.
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