Posted by Jon Slaughter on 05/10/07 14:29
I'm using eval to excute some mixed php and html code but I cannot debug it.
I am essentially using filegetcontents to load up a php/html file and then
inserting it into another php/html file and then using eval to execute the
final product.
If I were to use include and output buffering instead of filegetcontents
would it allow be to debug the code? (I have to capture the include so it
can be modified which is why I used filegetcontents and eval in the first
essentially instead of something like eval(mod(filegetcontents()))
I would have
include $filename;
$contents = mod(ob_get_contents());
As far as I can remember mod only modifies html code but I can't be
completely sure. In any case I'm not sure how the include eval the code when
its buffered as if its just the output or what? Right now everythign is
working fine and I don't want to screw it up but I'm kinda dragging my feet
because of the debugging issues.
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