Posted by Henk verhoeven on 05/10/07 22:11
sathyashrayan schreef:
> Dear group,
> I have a task where I have to fetch datas from mysql and display it
> in the multiple select list box. I have fetched the datas and it is
> getting diplayed correctly in the multiple select box. I have used
> some thing like this.
> print "<select MULTIPLE SIZE='6' name='db_test[]'>";
> while($row = mysql_fetch_object($handle))
> {
> if($num > 0) /*num is number of rows*/
> {
> print "<option value='$row->db_name'name='$row->db_name'>".$row
>> db_name."</option>";
> }
> }
> print "</select>";
> But I want to insert in mysql the selected values.That too the
> multiselect in mysql. Do i have to use serilize function? Any link or
> any implimentation snipits is very help full. Any key word to search
> the google..?
You could try:
database normalize
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