Posted by Ming on 05/11/07 01:31
On May 10, 4:54 pm, Mike P2 <sumguyovrt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 10, 7:06 pm, Ming <minghu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Mike. I still do not quite understand. I do not have any class
> > that has getStateName method. It is an object in the remote machine
> > that has this method, isn't it? Correct me if I am wrong, it sounds it
> > is sufficient to just send $method = 'getStateName'
> > Ming
> Yes, the object is on the remote machine, and the method
> 'getStateName' is within that object. Just like you might organize
> methods into classes in your own php code, the remote machine has
> getStateName() organized into an 'examples' object.
> In PHP, if you have an object instance in the variable $examples and
> the class that it is an instance of has the method getStateName(), you
> can't just do:
> $whatever = getStateName();
> You have to do
> $whatever = $examples->getStateName();
> Because getStateName() is not in the global scope, it is in the
> $examples object.
> If you still don't understand and would like to know why you have to
> put in 'examples', maybe you should study PHP OOP more to get a better
> understanding of OOP.
> -Mike PII
Hi Mike,
Thanks for reply.
I have used OOP and Java for several years so I understand OOP
concepts. Back to my question, it seems the 'examples' in $method =
'examples.getStateName' is arbitrary. Can I change it to other words?
Thanks a lot,
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