Posted by Richard Lynch on 02/07/05 22:03
symbulos partners wrote:
> Jay Blanchard wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I am looking for a tutorial on using Apache SSL from PHP.
>> Do you know of any good one out there?
>> [/snip]
>> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=using+Apache+SSL+from+PHP&btnG=Goog
>> le+Search
> 1)Results 1 - 10 of about 411,000 for using Apache SSL from PHP. (0.45
> seconds)
> 2)Does that also give an idea about how good the tutorial is?
The good tutorials get linked to; the bad ones don't.
Google takes that into account.
If you can't learn what you need to learn from those first 10 links, then
you should seek a career change. :-)
Like Music?
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