Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/13/07 15:53
dorayme wrote:
> In article <42bfe$4645c339$40cba7a3$24089@NAXS.COM>,
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
>> I have to right-click and download. And I get quite irritated when folks
>> use PDF in place of HTML and I click on a link with not PDF warning,
>> and I don't notice the url in the status bar until after puzzle over why
>> I been watching a blank page and a throbber spinning for the last 5
>> minutes!
> Jonathan, I share most of your irritations on this one. But they
> are less than you might believe on a Mac with a certain tiny
> plugin reader. Single click, quick show.
I have the Adobe plugin, the time watching the throbber is due not to
loading the plugin but downloading the document which is *always* many
time larger than what can be done in HTML.
For example a club running a fundraiser had their announcement on their
site originally as a PDF at 332KB
k2262.pdf (application/pdf Object 332KB)
I redid in HTML (plus a little improved styling IMO)
and it is only 52KB. Less than 1/6 the size, which on dialup is
I my mind the only use for PDF online is where precise printing of the
document is required and the link should be will identified that it
links to a PDF and should have the document size listed.
Take care,
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