Posted by shimmyshack on 05/14/07 18:13
On May 14, 7:09 pm, Good Man <h...@letsgo.com> wrote:
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.m...@example.invalid> wrote innews:0KM1i.15246$yM2.5488@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net:
> > Though it would likely be much easier if you were to strip out all
> > characters except alpha, numeric, and the underscore prior to storage
> > (file and database entry). Perhaps replace spaces with underscores.
> I agree. Here's what I use to "clean" the filenames of all uploaded
> files:
> function cleanFile ($filename) { //clean up the file name
> $filename = str_replace(" ","_",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("\\","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("/","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("|","_",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("'","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("\"","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("`","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("*","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("$","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("%","percent",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("^","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("!","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("@","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("?","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace(":","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace(";","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace(",","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace("<","",$filename);
> $filename = str_replace(">","",$filename);
> $filename = strtolower($filename);
> return $filename;
> }
the trouble with this kind of blacklist banning is that it allows
encoding and otherforms of clever attack.
better to use a whitelist.
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