Posted by shotokan99 on 05/16/07 03:29
ah ok sorry for the inconvenience...let me try to explain it clearly.
usually if we have this:
<form name=".." method="post" action="my.php">
<input type="Text" name="myname" id="myname" size="30"...> <Br>
<input type="submit" name".." value="save">
and my.php will have:
//processing here....
now how about if i remove the <form...> tag. then instead of a submit
button ill replace it with a text linking to my.php. it loots
something like this:
<input type="Text" name="myname" id="myname" size="30"...> <Br>
<a href="my.php?name='.$myname.'...>Save</a>
then my.php will look like this:
//processing here....
my problem is how get the value of the textbox and assign it to
$myname variable.
is it possible with php or i need javascript for this matter? i hope i
was able to explain it clearly
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