Posted by Erwin Moller on 05/16/07 15:38
guilesf2@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hello -
> I've installed antiword and it is working fine from the command line.
> however, running it through php gives no output, BUT, if I run the
> script
> through php cli, it works fine.
> <?php
> exec('/usr/local/bin/antiword /users/mm/sites/test.doc', $output);
> var_dump($output);
> ?>
> in a browser I get an empty array, but on the command line
> running > php test.php
> returns an array with the proper text.
> I'm running php5.2.2 from Marc Liyanage on OS X tiger with apache 1.3
> antiword is 777, could it be some other security setting I'm missing?
> I've also tried using passthru and shell_exec with the same results.
> $out = shell_exec('ls -al');
> echo "<pre>$out</pre>";
> does work fine in a browser and on the command line.
Maybe the user apache or www-data or nobody or whatever your webuser is
called, has no permissions to execute it?
You can simply check this by:
1) sudo su www-data (or whatever etc.etc see above)
2) call the script as you do in your exec() command
Or you blocked exec() in PHP.ini.
Make sure you have full errorreporting on and check the logfiles.
They often give information you miss.
Good luck.
Erwin Moller
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