Posted by Erwin Moller on 05/17/07 13:58
Karin J wrote:
> Erwin Moller wrote:
>> Karin J wrote:
>>> I am in the process of converting a PHP5 script that talks to an MS
>>> SQL db from using ODBC to ADODB. I should say that I have no control
>>> over what is installed on the (remote) server. It seems to have some
>>> sort of minimal set of ADODB functions, but doesn't (for example)
>>> recognise the GetRow() function.
>>> Anyway, before, to put the results into an array for further
>>> manipulation, I had:
>>> $results = odbc_exec($connection_id, $select);
>>> while(odbc_fetch_row($results, $rowcount)):
>>> $hits[]=array_map('trim', odbc_fetch_array($results, $rowcount));
>>> endwhile;
>>> now I am trying things like:
>>> $results = $conn->execute($select); // (this works, and I can get
>>> individual values with: $results->Fields["Variable name"]->Value
>>> while (!$results->EOF):
>>> $hits[]=array_map('trim', $results->fields );
>>> $results->MoveNext();
>>> endwhile;
>>> but get the error message
>>> "array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array"
>>> I thought that $results->fields would be an array? Help!
>> Hi,
>> In such cases, simply try this:
>> <pre>
>> <?php print_r($results->fields); ?>
>> </pre>
> Hi Erwin
> This just prints the words "variant Object" !?
> Thanks
> Karin
Hi Karin,
Well, so you just proved PHP was complaining correctly it was not an array.
If you are using COM objects, you are NOT using real PHP.
So you must solve your problems inside your COM object's API.
I cannot help there: it was many years ago since I last used that approach.
Good luck,
Erwin Moller
>>> Many thanks
>>> Karin
>>> PS
>>> I also thought that
>>> foreach($results AS $result):
>>> ...whatever...
>>> endforeach;
>>> would work, but this get the error message:
>>> "Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Object of type variant
>>> did not create an Iterator'
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