Posted by Ian Hobson on 05/20/07 19:53
Hi Bob,
The LCP down message means that the link control protocol failed. This
is the connection between your router/modem and the equipment at your ISP.
This was common with netgear routers. The ultimate cause may be in your
house or at the exchange.
Things to try.
a) Remove all other equipment from the phone line, and plug the modem
into the main socket. If this works, add things back one by one to find
the culprit.
b) Replace all micro-filter.
c) Get your ISP to check the line - line noise can do it, as can
distortion from too low/too high signal strength, or high inductances.
d) Upgrade the router to the latest firmware.
e) Check the MTU is 1400 (or as instructed) and you are using PPPoA with
the correct parameters (see your ISP's web site and/or details sent to
f) Set up your username and password again. Especially if the link does
not re-establish itself).
g) Talk you ISP into giving you a new port.
A lot of LCP down problems were caused in 2004/2005 from BT upgrading
software on their exchanges, but that should be over by now.
Hope this helps.
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