Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/21/07 17:36
Scripsit Knut Krueger:
> I tried to setup a css style similar to the
> http://www.csszengarden.com/
As the CSS Zen Garden site explains, it's a fairly contrived example of
using style sheets - a demonstration by experts. You need _both_ quite some
artificial HTML markup _and_ (what's much more difficult) a competent
designer to create stuff like that.
> But I do not understand how they managed
> textflow around the container of *html file and css file*
That's a rather broad question, especially since style sheets there use many
different approaches and techniques.
> maybe anybody has a hint for me
> http://s013w22.srv13.mw-internet.net/test/index.html
Validate your HTML and "validate" your CSS, too, using the W3C tools. And
check how your page works _without_ CSS before starting to create a layout.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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