Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 05/21/07 22:56
At Mon, 21 May 2007 15:27:18 -0700, Acrobatic let his monkeys type:
> I'm having troubles uploading an image and getting data from
> getimagesize().
> When I upload a file with the name "20050914_loRes_XLH1.jpg", and do a
> getimagesize on it, it returns no info (null and empty). However, if I
> change the filename to something like "camera.jpg" and upload it,
> getimagesize() works perfectly, and I can print_r the array of data.
> PHP is uploading the files to my /var/temp directory just fine. Also,
> I have all errors turned on, and nothing looks out of place. Any ideas
> why changing the file name would let this work?
Are you sure there are no spaces in the original filename? The user notes
in the manual mention issues with spaces in filenames used with
getimagesize(). Perhaps one of the other chars in your filename has the
same effect?
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