Posted by Robert on 05/22/07 02:21
connect.php (note: I have tried localhost)
$conn = mysql_connect("", "user_name", "password");
mysql_select_db("dbase_name", $conn);
insert_names.php (html, to make it easier for humans)
<TITLE>Insert Form</TITLE>
<FORM ACTION="insert_data.php" METHOD=POST>
<P>Advertiser: <input type=text name="adv_name" size=20><P>
Contact: <input type=text name="cont_name"
Title: <input type=text name="cont_title" size=20><P>Street:
<input type=text name="address" size=40>
<input type=text name="apt" size=10><P>City:
<input type=text name="city" size=20> State:
<input type=text name="state" size=5> Zip:
<input type=text name="zip" size=10><br><br>
Notes:<P style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<textarea cols="50" rows="12" name="notes"></textarea><p>
<input type=submit name="submit" value="Insert Record"></p>
insert_data.php (I have tried echoing output here and everything is blank)
include ("connect.php");
$sql = "INSERT INTO advertiser_tbl (adv_name, address, apt, city, state,
zip, notes) values ('$adv_name', '$address', '$apt', '$city', '$state',
'$zip', '$notes')";
echo $sql;
if (mysql_query($sql, $conn)){
echo "record added!";
} else {
echo "something went wrong";
I can get this working locally on my Windoze and Linux installations.
When I try it on my friend's server, nothing but the defaults are put in
to the database. All fields except those with defaults and
autoincrement primary are blank. Any clues?
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