Posted by Geoff Berrow on 05/23/07 09:40
Message-ID: <f311au$11i$00$1@news.t-online.com> from Joe Scylla
contained the following:
>well if a guest user (like a spider) is able to delete you've made
>something terrible wrong ;).
Agreed, but it happens. :-)
>Also afaik spider don't execute javascript code.
>I use a solution like this:
><a href="#" onclick="gui_delete('delete.php?id=123');">delete</a>
>function gui_delete(url)
> {
> var r = confirm("Delete entry?");
> if (r)
> {
> document.location.href = url;
> }
> }
Fair enough, but I don't like solutions that rely on JavaScript
Geoff Berrow (put thecat out to email)
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