Posted by semi_evil on 05/23/07 19:14
On May 23, 7:44 pm, SterLo <sterling.hamil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Erwin Moller
> ARG IT POSTED ALL MY STUFF AGAIN...I even waiting 15 minutes to make
> sure it wasn't going to post...
My message I sent yesterday to this group was never sent according to
google, when I tried closing the browser tab it warned: message not
sent yet, sure you want to close the page?
Has google changed their code recently? I knew it was far from
perfect, but after today's mess one can't help but think it's worse
On the public news server I use (no posting allowed) the message
showed up within minutes.
I am limited to using a web-based posting mechanism right now, but I
won't trust the results, always check my reader's header pane first
before assuming google f** up.
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