Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/24/07 04:02
Truck Estevez wrote:
> I actually meant it solely for the client and no one else... moving on
> though, I did find an export to excel script but i'm having one
> problem: the php displays all the data fine in text form, but a file
> download prompt is also supposed to pop up and this isn't happening.
> Any ideas why?
> Here's the code:
OK, glad it's for only this client.
You don't get the popup because you have your browser set up to handle
the application/x-msdownload by default. There isn't anything you can
do about browser settings from the server end.
> Like I said, it displays the data fine, just no download prompt which
> is a bummer. Any ideas?
> Truck
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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