Posted by semi_evil on 05/24/07 09:07
On May 24, 5:58 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
[snip : gist: magic_quotes_gpc should be switched off]
> > Thanks Jerry for your complete and friendly reply, I nearly went
> > bonkers over this issue.
> > Cheers,
> > Semi
> NP, Semi.
> And one other thing - if your hosting company doesn't know enough to
> change it, it's time to change hosting companies. If they're that
> clueless about magic_quotes_gpc, who knows what serious security
> problems they might leave open?
It took one mail and less than 20 minutes to get it fixed! It had been
switched to on inadvertedly when they upgraded php to version 5. (It's
on by default).
Security will always be a weak spot on shared environments unless the
server is set up to spawn separate apache instances with unique
user:group per customer. But other than that my sp seems pretty
knowledgeable and they take security seriously. At least in the eyes
of yours truly, admittedly hardly an expert myself...
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