Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/28/07 07:41
Scripsit texas_gardener:
> I've been told _repeatedly_ that my html skills are "circa 1987" (they
> are; that's when I learned them),
Nice trolling. I had thought the species of clever trolls became extinct in
early September 1993.
Young people, like those born before the birth of the Web in 1990, might
actually believe you. They are advised to check some basic facts from e.g.
> I want to plan a course of self-instruction.
Just in case you were (half-)serious, after all: Find a good modern primer
on web authoring and read it. Then find another one and read it. My point is
that virtually all primers around contain some wrong ideas and poor
approaches, and reading another will probably help you to keep a critical
mind regarding the first primer's content.
Remember to forget everything you think you know, before you start reading.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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