Posted by John Bell on 05/29/07 06:57
Hi Aleu
On May 28, 5:55 pm, "a...@vp.pl" <a...@vp.pl> wrote:
> John Bell wrote:
> > I can't think of any other reasons why this should be an issue if your
> > DNS and routing are working fine. You may want to try changing it back
> > and seeing if the time improves.
> Unfortunately, I cannot change it back. Not only the IP addresses of
> cluster resources have changed but also, cluster node's IP addresses
> (moved to a different network). The "SQL IP address 1" becomes active
> very fast (in around 6 seconds), however, "SQL Network Name" takes a few
> good minutes (3-4) to change status from "online pending" to "online".
> I have checked system logs and found few relevant things:
> 1. The configuration of theAdminConnection\TCPprotocol in the SQL
> instance VALIDATION is not valid.
> 2. Database mirroring connection error 4 'An error occurred while
> receiving data: '10053(An established connection was aborted by the
> software in your host machine.)'.' for 'TCP://hostname.x.x:2343'.
> 3. Database mirroring connection error 4 'An error occurred while
> receiving data: '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)'.'
> 4. Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the
> RECONFIGURE statement to install.
> I do not know whether they are of any use, but (1) seems to be relevant.
> What does it mean? Where can I check/change settings ofAdminConnection\TCPprotocol?
> What is the best place to look for the error logs? Does MS SQL server
> store its error logs in some specific files? If so, what is the filename
> and it's location?
> Sorry for many questions but I am still newbie in this thing.
> Thanks,
> Aleu
There are quite a few posts if you look for "AdminConnection\TCP"
they seems to suggest networking issues (incorrect aliases, firewall
issues etc) or possibly service account permissions.
I assume that the error messages regarding mirroring are related to
the period when you are switching, therefore may be expected.
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