Posted by Kurt on 05/29/07 12:39
I'd like advices about an idea I add to resolve a problem. thanks to
you in advance for yours answers.
I have a database with tables that I load with flat file. The size of
each table is 600 Mb. The flat file are the image of an application
and there is no updated date or created date on any table. So my
tables are just a copy of the data from the flat file.
Now I'd like to create an History Table. So I have to determine which
lines changed and which one did'nt.
As I don't have any date on my row the only answer I had unil know was
to check each column on each row to see if any data changed. If the
data changed I add a new line in my history date.
My idea is to add a checksum column in both table on all columns. To
know if any data change I just have to check my PK + my checksum
Do you think that is a good idea ? Is checksum a quick function or
not ?.
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