Posted by stryfedll on 05/30/07 06:01
On May 28, 2:06 pm, Andy Hassall <a...@andyh.co.uk> wrote:
> On 28 May 2007 04:29:41 -0700, stryfedll <stryfe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Fixed. Don't know what the problem was but it took me 4 hours of
> >frustration.
> These sorts of problems are usually differences in the PATH environment
> variable between your user environment, and that of the webserver service.
> I don't suppose you rebooted in the meantime? That causes the service host
> process to pick up a fresh environment, that may have had changes applied to
> it.
> --
> Andy Hassall :: a...@andyh.co.uk ::http://www.andyh.co.ukhttp://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space:: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
I ended up just installing WAMP, then I studied why MySQL was working
with WAMP and not mine. I'm positive I set the environmental
variables. To this day I still don't know why WAMP worked but my
configuration didn't. Its... crazy. I'm sure there must be something.
In the end I saved all of WAMPs my.ini, php.ini, and httpd.conf, then
installed erased WAMP,
Then I installed PHP, MySQL, and Apache, copied over the config files,
and edited them appropriately. Then it worked. After I studied my old
config files and my new config files they are completely the same.
So I am just very curious at what the problem could have been.
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