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[News] [Linux] Microsoft Says It Won't Sue, Wants More Novell-like Deals

Posted by Rosalie Saladino on 05/30/07 02:14

"Roy Schestowitz" schreef in bericht
> Microsoft Won't Sue Linux Users, Company Exec Says
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Instead, Microsoft said it wants to create more arrangements that
> | mirror the company's deal with Linux distributor Novell.
> `----

Do those idiots we're gonna pay up just because they're *claiming* to have
patents that OSS might infringe upon? They must be out of their minds or
very desperate.

Besides, even if they did detail which software infringes on which patents
no payment will be done since the code will simply be changed to circumvent
the patents. And that's only if we think it's a valid claim, which most
likely will not be the case.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Best regards,
Rosalie Saladino



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