Posted by ZeldorBlat on 05/31/07 19:28
On May 31, 2:14 pm, Tech360 <Stamm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am getting a error at greatvideos2.com
> The code is below it has to do with the array
> <?php
> include("include/config.php");
> session_start();
> include("include/function.php");
> # Find the vote information
> $mydate= date('Y-m-d');
> $sql ="select * from poll_question where start_date<='$mydate' and
> end_date>='$mydate'";
> $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
> $x=$rs->getarray();
> $list=explode("|", $x[0]['poll_answer']);
> STemplate::assign('poll_id',$x[0]['poll_id']);
> STemplate::assign('poll_qty',$x[0]['poll_qty']);
> STemplate::assign('list',$list);
> $items_per_page=($config['rows_per_page']*$config['cols_per_page']);
> $sql="SELECT * from video where type='public' and featured='yes' order
> by addtime desc";
> $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
> if($rs->recordcount()>0)$users = $rs->getrows();
> $sql1 = "select VID, title, viewtime, vkey from video where
> viewtime<>'0000-00-00 00:00:00' order by viewtime desc limit 0, ".
> $config['recently_viewed_video'];
> $rs_v = $conn->execute($sql1);
> $recent = $rs_v->getrows();
> STemplate::assign('recent', $recent);
> STemplate::assign('recent_total', count($recent));
> if ($_REQUEST['msg']!=""){
> $msg=$_REQUEST['msg'];
> }
> STemplate::assign('err',$err);
> STemplate::assign('msg',$msg);
> STemplate::assign('answers',$users);
> STemplate::assign('total',$rs->recordcount());
> $sql="SELECT * from video where type='public' order by addtime desc
> limit 100";
> $tags=group_tags($sql);
> STemplate::assign('tags',$tags);
> STemplate::assign('head_bottom',"homelinks.tpl");
> if($config['enable_package']=="yes" and $_SESSION['UID']!="")
> {
> $sql = "select * from subscriber where UID=$_SESSION[UID]";
> $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
> $u_info = $rs->getrows();
> STemplate::assign('u_info', $u_info[0]);
> $rs->movefirst();
> $sql = "select * from package where pack_id=".$rs->fields['pack_id'];
> $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
> $pack = $rs->getrows();
> STemplate::assign('pack', $pack[0]);
> }
> STemplate::display('head1.tpl');
> STemplate::display('err_msg.tpl');
> STemplate::display('search.tpl');
> STemplate::display('index.tpl');
> STemplate::display('right.tpl');
> STemplate::display('footer.tpl');
> ?>
This line:
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
is not returning an object. Try a var_dump() on $rs and see what it
really is (if I had to guess it's probably boolean false).
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