Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/01/07 01:14
Obsidian wrote:
> Might be alone on this one, but I would strongly suggest against
> PHPBB. I've had nothing but trouble with trying to mod that forum
> software on a couple different sites I've written in my time as a
> developer.
> I would, however recommend SMF (Simple Machines Forum) @
> http://www.simplemachines.org/. This is by far the most customizable
> interface I've found, and it comes with an API to use not only the
> membership, but other aspects of the forum throughout your site as
> well.
> Hope this helps.
Gee, I've had great luck with modding the software for several sites -
as long as you're using the subSilver template. Change to another
template, however, and most mods fall apart rather quickly - mainly
because the templates don't follow the specs, not due to a problem with
the mods.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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