Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/01/07 07:28
At Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:58:00 +0000, jef.d let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> I am attempting to read through a text file & then update an HTML page
> table w/ the output from the text file (ie; statusing by table).
> What I want the code to do is read through the file, look for a line
> that matches a couple of strings, next is loop through the file from
> that match to 30 lines searching for a "score" from, then store that
> score; and then look for the next algorithm (8 of them) run & score.
> What I get is an array w/ only the most recent array entry.
> I have tried several things; return(), array_push(), php manual, and a
> more than a few days searching online for a similar example.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Code example below;
> function fraction_0($file,$log) {
> while (! feof($file)) {
> $line = fgets($file,512);
> if (ereg($_GET[what],$line) && ereg("_A_0",$line) &&
> ereg("Request ID",$line)) {
> print ("$log".htmlspecialchars($line)."<BR>");
> for ($i30 = 1; $i30 < 30; $i30++){
> $line = fgets($file,512);
> if (!ereg("returned best solution",$line)){
> if (ereg("Score from run", $line)){
> print ("$log".htmlspecialchars($line)."<BR>");
> $alg_score = explode(" ", $line, 512);
> if (ereg($alg_score[6], 1)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_1" => $alg_score[8]);
> print "score for alg 1 is $alg_array[alg0_1]<BR>";
> }elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 2)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_2" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 3)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_3" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 4)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_4" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 5)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_5" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 6)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_6" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 7)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_7" => $alg_score[8]);
> } elseif (ereg($alg_score[6], 8)) {
> $alg_array = array("alg0_8" => $alg_score[8]);
> }
> print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><th>Alg 1</th><th>Alg 2</
> th><th>Alg 3</th><th>Alg 4</th><th>Alg 5</th><th>Alg 6</th><th>Alg 7</
> th><th>Alg 8</th></tr>";
> print "<tr><td>$alg_array[alg0_1]</td><td>
> $alg_array[alg0_2]</td><td>$alg_array[alg0_3]</td><td>
> $alg_array[alg0_4]</td><td>$alg_array[alg0_5]</td><td>
> $alg_array[alg0_6]</td><td>$alg_array[alg0_7]</td><td>
> $alg_array[alg0_8]</td></tr>";
> print "</table>";
> }
> } else {
> print ("$log".htmlspecialchars($line)."<BR>");
> $i30=30;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Caveat; I am new to PHP (~2weeks) & do not have formal scripting
> background; sorry if this question is rudimentary.
> Regards,
> Jef
No worries, good thing to mention you are new to PHP. We don't bite.
0: When debugging, set error_reporting (E_ALL) to catch all hints and
warnings PHP spits out.
1: Don't use ereg, it's deprecated. If you need regex, use preg_match or
2. Don't use regex if regular string functions suffice. Think strpos() or
strstr(). If you use strpos, make sure you explicitly check for FALSE
value using === rather than == (which also matches a value of 0). Regex
is slow, costly in resources terms.
3. Put quotes around non-numerical array keys. $array['mylabel'], and not
$array[label]. (Though this will give the same result in many cases,
unless a constant was defined with the same name. But it will through a
4. ereg (arrayvalue, numerical value) makes no sense. By implicit casting
you end up comparing strings, but the test you mean probably is simply:
if ($array[1] == 2) etc.
5. consider replacing constructs like if ($a == 1) elseif ($a == 2) etc
with: switch ($a) {
case 1 : {codeblock}
case 2 : {codeblock}
default : {codeblock}
// default : is optional, often you should never get here, but it can help
you debug and is formally correct}
// remember to end each case with break; to prevent 'falling through' to
the next case codeblock.(unless this is what you want)
6. You can read in an entire file (if it's not a monstruously large one)
using file(), which stores all lines in an array, or
file_get_contents(), which reads the entire file as a string.
Maybe after repairing your code along these lines (there are many other
ways and opinions on what's the optimal/desired strategy, mine is but one)
you are able to find the error in your code.
If not, repost the script and preferrably a snippet of the data you parse.
Without that it's hard to say where and why your code fails.
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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