Posted by Rami Elomaa on 06/01/07 17:25
Jon Slaughter kirjoitti:
> How does one use this? Is it simply setting a variable or calling a function
> or is it completely different from http(i.e., is it transparent? Do I need
> to do anything significantly different than what I do in http?)
First of all, this falls into the category of webmastering, not php.
> Now what are the cons of using it rather than http? Right now I'm using http
> but wondering if I should use https for any reasons or not.
If you have a website that has a forum and image gallery of horses and
hounds, then http is okay. If your site is an online bank, ecommerce or
something other that handles confidential client information, then
switch to https. It's all about security.
It all starts by getting a certificate and configuring the web server to
handle it. In php you don't do anything to enable https, the server
takes care of that. In php you can just test wether it's http or https,
that's all.
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