Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/02/07 21:39
howa wrote:
> On 6 3 , 12 06 , Schraalhans Keukenmeester
> <Schraalh...@the.spamtrapexample.nl> wrote:
>> Stable, ok. OOP = enough, I beg to differ. OOP in PHP4 is poor, if not
>> cr@pola. PHP5 unstable? (which I think you imply by your answer to Gosha's
>> question) Why? How? When?
>> I get that typical "argument without foundation" feeling....
> Hello,
> this is a little out of topic...i don't want to start a war on PHP4 vs
> PHP5 :)
> anyway, my $0.02...
> 1. if it ain't broken, don't fix it. just like many large web sites
> are still using PHP4, Apache 1.x, MySQL 4.x etc ...
> 2. personally, i think PHP5 OOP is not a well developed, maybe there
> will be great changes in PHP6, even we can move to PHP6 directly
> somedays...but now, PHP 4 works quite well.
If that were the case, we'd still be programming in assembler, cobol and
I agree with the others. OOP support in PHP4 is terrible. That in
itself is enough reason to upgrade. And only laziness prevents someone
from upgrading on their own server.
Shared hosting is a little different. There are some differences which
can break PHP4 scripts, especially poorly written ones. And to force
your customers to rewrite their scripts is not necessarily good.
It has nothing to to with "good enough".
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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