Posted by laredotornado@zipmail.com on 06/04/07 21:53
I have a table of two rows. The first row contains a single cell with
an image. The second row contains a cell with a smaller table,
containing an image and text on the same row. My problem is, I want
the width of the whole table to be the width of the image in the first
row. However, I don't want to hard code this width because it might
change. But right now, the second row's width is expanding to fill
the entire browser screen. Can I restrict the second row's width to
be the first row's width without hard-coding a pixel size?
Here's the code:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><img name="coffee_header" alt="The Americas"
src="images/coffeetheamerica.jpg" border="0"></td></tr>
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
<td height="133" align="left"
valign="top" bgcolor="cccc99"><p align="center"><img alt=""
src="images/womanprocessing.jpg" width="200" height="121"></p></td>
<td height="133" align="left"
valign="top" bgcolor="cccc99" class="coffeeDesc">
<p align="left"
class="coffeeTitle">GUATEMALA ANTIGUA </p>
<p align="left">A
deeply flavorful, intense, full-bodied coffee with well-proportioned
acidity and appealing aromas of spice and chocolate. This fine
Bourbon variety coffee is shade grown at an altitude of 4,800 to 6,000
feet on the Potrero Estate, one of the first plantations south of the
ancient Guatemalan capital of Antigua. A small river still powers the
old waterwheel that separates the coffee beans from the cherries. Well-
balanced, Antigua coffee is good on its own and it blends well. </p>
Thanks for any help, - Dave
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