Posted by Rami Elomaa on 06/04/07 18:25
Skeleton Man kirjoitti:
> Hi guys,
> I was thinking.. wouldn't it be cool if you could take an image (jpeg) and
> redraw the entire thing in HTML ? In theory you could parse the image to
> create an array containing the RGB value for every pixel and then print this
> out as a series of 1 pixel wide DIV's with the background color set to the
> pixel colour.
> I realise this would result in a massive document (likely several mb) with
> millions of layers, but has anyone ever tried something like this ? I know
> you can get programs to convert jpeg to ascii art, so I can't be too far off
> in my thinking..
Reminds me of something I did a year ago or so. I made my own version of
the classic mosaic image thingy where smaller images make a bigger
picture. I took a bunch of pictures, clearly I would've needed a whole
lotta more of them, but they did it for the test. I shrunk the images to
very small size, 16x16 to keep it simple, then took an approximation of
the images color and stored them as "colors", as in one image would
represent a particular color. Next I just uploaded a random image,
resized it to 16x16 and took the closest color to each pixels and used
the cloesest matching image to display it. so in the end I had 16x16
grid of images in an html table, which somewhat resembled the original
image. It wasn't perfect, but with lots of more pictures it and a bigger
grid it would've worked... :) But as an experiment it was super cool!
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