Posted by Rik on 06/05/07 16:21
On Tue, 05 Jun 2007 18:14:15 +0200, Jon Slaughter
<Jon_Slaughter@Hotmail.com> wrote:
>> You may or may not have the ability. It depends on the permissions the
>> host gave you. Some allow cron jobs, some don't.
> Now is that really the only way to schedule stuff in a linux enviroment?
> I
> mentione dthe crond int eh subject cause thats all I know about.
> What I'm trying to get at, is it going to be impossible to schedule
> stuff if
> the host doesn't have it setup to do that? Obviously it can be impossible
> but here I mean in general for most web hosts is it a common thing to
> allow
> or deny?
> Also is there any way to check for schelduling abilities? I have no
> shell in
> the web host I think... just ftp and http.
> oh, wait, I think I do have schelduling abilities... in the control panel
> stuff for the site. I'll have to go check and see as I remember seeing
> that.
That's where most hosters that allow it put it indeed. Gives them somewhat
more control then allowing it by shell.
If they don't offer it, you could always put up a page that does the work,
and call that from a computer that does have scheduling enabled. (Possibly
with some safety checks.)
Rik Wasmus
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