Posted by zoilus on 06/06/07 16:11
Thanks for the post. Maybe you could help me with this code. The code is
not transfering to variables to the search.php program.
<title>testing downloaded query form</title>
<!-- <form name="search" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>"> -->
<form name="search" method="post" action="search.php">
Seach for: <input type="text" name="find" /> in
<Select NAME="field">
<Option VALUE="fname">First Name</option>
<Option VALUE="lname">Last Name</option>
<Option VALUE="info">Profile</option>
<input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" />
none of the variable are set in search.php
Erwin Moller wrote:
> zoilus wrote:
>>Trying to write html form program that calls php prog. If php prog has
>>problem with what was entered would like to return from php to html
>>Is this possible and if so, how?
> Hi,
> Plain html pages are not refered to as programs, just html files.
> Unless the Javascript in them is worth calling a program. ;-)
> What you need is something like this:
> <?php
> // just an example, we expect a formelement named firstname
> // If not set, redirect to error.html
> if (!isset($_POST["firstname"])){
> // refuse
> header("Location: http://www.example.com/error.html");
> exit;
> }
> // do your normal processing here.
> ?>
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller
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