Posted by Rami Elomaa on 06/08/07 18:43
Geoff Berrow kirjoitti:
> Message-ID: <MPG.20d370c2373e8d9298a974@news.newsreader.com> from
> Krustov contained the following:
>> Although www.freeviewepg.co.uk/coming_up.php is probably a better
>> example of the fade bars in use rather than whats on the home page .
> Seems awfully complicated. And the fade is truncated, not resized.
> I'd have created one image and let the browser resize it. For simple
> stuff like that it would have done ok.
I'd done it with css. Just set it as a background to a div that has a
width of resize_factor*running_time, easy peasy. Creating a different
image each and every time is slaying the serrver. In my opinion, use
just one image, and other methods for controlling how much of it is
displayed, such as css 'n friends.
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