Posted by macsaregreat on 06/09/07 18:34
O sorry, forgot about that, version PHP Version 4.4.7
I did try Post method, and $HTTP_GET_VARS
<?php $submission_id=$HTTP_POST_VARS['submission_id'];
echo($submission_id . "<BR>"); ?>
ill try the $_REQUEST. to see what happens
On Jun 9, 2:26 pm, "J.O. Aho" <u...@example.net> wrote:
> macsaregr...@gmail.com wrote:
> > hi, I have a get method <?php echo $_GET['submission_id']; ?> It
> > worked just fine on my host, bu then It wont work on a server at
> > 1and1.
> As we don't know what version of php the later one uses, we can't for sure say
> what's wrong, but it could be that you aren't using the get method, but post,
> in which case you should have used $_POST, but when unsure how a page will be
> called on and you aren't that picky about the moethod, then use $_REQUEST.
> If they use an old version of php (pre 4.1.0), then use $HTTP_GET_VARS and/or
> $HTTP_POST_VARS. Keep in mind that those won't work well on newer versions of php.
> --
> //Aho
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