Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/11/07 14:50
dos-man 64 wrote:
> On Jun 8, 3:38 pm, "scripts.contact" <scripts.cont...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 12:13 pm, Kevin Darling <kdarl...@basit.com> wrote:
>>> In any case, yes, on a PC you can use a .hta file (HTML with a .hta
>>> extension) and the WScript object.
>> The WScript object is only available to WSH scripts not HTA.
> Freaks. That's OK, I was really hoping that this could be done
> without resorting to programming. How the hell does anybody who can't
> program get anything done on PCs I'll never know. Based on what I have
> seen, my guess is they don't :D
You can do it, just not "easily" from a webpage, thank God! You are just
trying to use the wrong tool. Screwdrivers make lousy hammers.
Take care,
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