Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/11/07 20:15
At Mon, 11 Jun 2007 02:59:10 -0700, cmk128 let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> Hi
> I have a website , made by linux + mysql + php + apache. The user
> can search for 100000+ articles. The server is in hong kong, when the
> people browse the web from bejing , it is really slow. If i upgrade to
> a faster boardband line , it is nearly the same. So i want to buy and
> put one more server in bejing. But how can i sync the data in
> realtime? That mean if a user post a message to the forum in hong kong
> server, how can i sync it to bejing server in realtime?
> thank
> from Peter (cmk128@hotmail.com)
Is it 'really slow' when a single user from Bejing accesses the system, or
only when many concurrent users browse pages on it? And if a multitude of
users in HK access it? Same problem? Only in that case it would seem
buying new kit is the best answer. If not, maybe something's not 100% with
the broadband connection? (Or even the PHP scripting? But I doubt that's
the case here, from your post). In which case setting up replication might
have you facing the same problem again.
I have no idea what quality one can expect of available internet services
in today's China. I do remember we have suffered major network issues
(tcp/ip, routing related mostly) replicating SQL databases with the APAC
region (from the Netherlands and UK), but that was 10 years ago, hardly
relevant today I'd say.
I'd hate to see you invest a lot of time and money only to be left with
the same issue. Perhaps having (someone have) a look at the connection at
both ends first might be recommendable.
Good luck!
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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