Posted by cmk128 on 06/12/07 03:45
On 6 12 , 4 15 , Schraalhans Keukenmeester
<Schraalh...@the.spamtrapexample.nl> wrote:
> At Mon, 11 Jun 2007 02:59:10 -0700,cmk128let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> > Hi
> > I have a website , made by linux + mysql + php + apache. The user
> > can search for 100000+ articles. The server is in hong kong, when the
> > people browse the web from bejing , it is really slow. If i upgrade to
> > a faster boardband line , it is nearly the same. So i want to buy and
> > put one more server in bejing. But how can i sync the data in
> > realtime? That mean if a user post a message to the forum in hong kong
> > server, how can i sync it to bejing server in realtime?
> > thank
> > from Peter (cmk...@hotmail.com)
> Is it 'really slow' when a single user from Bejing accesses the system, or
> only when many concurrent users browse pages on it? And if a multitude of
> users in HK access it? Same problem? Only in that case it would seem
> buying new kit is the best answer. If not, maybe something's not 100% with
> the broadband connection? (Or even the PHP scripting? But I doubt that's
> the case here, from your post). In which case setting up replication might
> have you facing the same problem again.
> I have no idea what quality one can expect of available internet services
> in today's China. I do remember we have suffered major network issues
> (tcp/ip, routing related mostly) replicating SQL databases with the APAC
> region (from the Netherlands and UK), but that was 10 years ago, hardly
> relevant today I'd say.
> I'd hate to see you invest a lot of time and money only to be left with
> the same issue. Perhaps having (someone have) a look at the connection at
> both ends first might be recommendable.
> Good luck!
> Sh.
> --
> Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalh...@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
> [Remove the lowercase part of Spamtrap to send me a message]
> "strcmp('apples','oranges') < 0"
Yes, really slow, most for the people(90%) said the web is slow. Hong
kong user can load the first page within 5 seconds, it may take >15 in
from Peter (cmk128@hotmail.com)
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