Posted by CyberDog on 07/09/05 15:24
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Why don't you start by explaining what you are really doing, and then
> specify exactly the issue that bothers you?
I have made a file shareing scipt, user uploads a file, it's encoded
with a random code that he gets in a form of a link at the end, and a
delete dink as well. The file can only be accessed with that link, and
youser can select the max usage number or a time limit in days.
The problem is how to display a long set od characters without
corrupting the page, no spaces no breaks.
I've fixed it by useing a input field and a small java script that
selects all of the text when the field is clicked on.
> What do you mean by choosing .txt, and which of the Greek or Hebrew or
> whatever buttons is "subbmit"?
The only button on the page.
>And what is that "it" that we should
> try?
Whell, no, just the kind person who acctually tried to help me....
> I can only see that you have some cryptic text prefilled in a textarea.
> That's almost always a sure symptom of not understanding what a
> textarea is.
It was a disabled field with disclaimer in it. Yes, it was a bad idea
not by missusing the textarea but because the great and holy IE does not
allow scrolling disabled fields, it has been replaced by plain text.
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