Posted by David Quinton on 06/13/07 06:33
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 21:58:24 GMT, Henk Oegema <henk@oegema.com> wrote:
>I'm using the script below to get the remaining balance of my VoipBuster
>I'm using this script in my Astrerisk PBX server.
>I have been using this script without any problems.
>However................after a new installation of Linux (SuSE102.2) and a
>new installation of Asterisk, the result is always 0.
>If I run the script directly from a web browser, it prints the RIGHT value
>(print "Remaining credit: $bedrag\n"; //use this for testing)
>The funny thing is that the script worked correctly before I did a new
>(I jus copied the old file to the new installation)
>Somebody who can help? ::)
Maybe a long shot, but always look for the most obvious thing first...
Is localhost in your hosts file?
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