Posted by petersprc on 06/14/07 04:17
If you var_dump($struct) right before that line, what do you see? It's
probably false or otherwise invalid. Maybe because it wasn't defined
or the imap function had a problem.
On Jun 13, 9:19 pm, bill <nob...@spamcop.net> wrote:
> Turning on error_reporting(E_ALL); was quite an eye opener as to
> how much "fixing" PHP will do for the sloppy coder.
> I fixed all of the errors except:
> Notice: Undefined property: parts in
> /ContactManagement/contact_mainpage.php on line 120
> where the line in question is:
> $parts = $struct->parts;
> where $struct = = imap_fetchstructure($in, $mid);
> $struct is an object, parts is an array of objects
> what would the correct syntax of the statement be ?
> bill
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