Posted by jsd219 on 06/14/07 21:27
On Jun 14, 4:09 pm, Michael Fesser <neti...@gmx.de> wrote:
> .oO(ZeldorBlat)
> >And, BTW, you technically need (read: you should) have double quotes
> >around $id. So something like this:
> >echo "<option value=\"$id\">$section\r\n";
> Some notes:
> * Single quotes are fine as well and avoid the ugly escaping.
> * For better code all elements should be closed, even if some end tags
> are optional in HTML.
> * A simple \n line ending is enough.
> * It's usually a good idea to use htmlspecialchars() when printing HTML
> to avoid validator warnings because of literal '&' or '<' chars.
> So it should be at least
> echo "<option value='$id'>$section</option>\n";
> or better
> printf("<option value='%u'>%s</option>\n",
> $id,
> htmlspecialchars($section)
> );
> For the OP:
> * The form's 'action' attribute should not contain an empty URL ('#' is
> an empty URL with an empty fragmet identifier), as some older browser
> get it wrong.
> * Attribute values should always be quoted (single- or double-quotes).
> Micha
how can i make echo "<option value='$id'>$section</option>\n"; also
include $section?
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