Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/15/07 16:43
cwdjrxyz wrote:
> Despite some flaws on the site that started this thread, it is far
> superior to some sites of large companies that have deep pockets and
> can afford to hire very good programmers. My latest find is none other
> than the site www.usps.com , none other than the United States Postal
> Service site. Two days ago I decided to order some stamps and other
> supplies from them for the first time. I was on Firefox. I filled out
> the order forms without incident and went to check out. Since this was
> my first order, the first part of this was registration. I filled out
> requested information on the first page or two there. At the next step
> everything blew up, I got a very long error report, and it took me
> back to the start of check out. This happened a second time. Then I
> used the IE6 browser, and easily completed the order without problems.
> I did not bother to look at the code, because the problem was on
> secure pages, and likely some of it was server side code.
> I can think of no more serious error for a site than to let you spend
> a lot of time on an order and then have it blow up near the very end -
> better that the site not work at all than have this happen.
The USPS is an abysmal site! I have complained to them on several
occasions. I use their Click-n-Ship services and each time they "update"
it they break it for a day!
Originally the site would only work in IE! What is the killer is you
know that they (we US citizens) paid *good money* for code-monkeys that
don't even realize that form INPUTS need to be contained within the FORM
element to be valid!
Take care,
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