Posted by Arjen on 06/15/07 08:26
Armand Brahaj wrote:
> kevgibbo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've recently updated a website and I'd like to redirect some ID URL's
>> using PHP code, I know how to do the redirect part the problem is the
>> if statement to only redirect url's with an id.
>> for example:
>> if domain is www.domain.com do nothing
>> but if domain is www.domain.com/?p=12 redirect to www.domain.com
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Kevin
>> www.seoptimise.com
> You can do it with headers.
> if ($_GET["p"]==12)
> {
> header("Location: http://www.domain12.com/");
> exit;
> }
> Of yourse, you should handle the $_GET variables well (check for any
> security issues and validation.
> Probably create a switch function that will switch for all your values
> (so you don't use switch for large number of domain redirects).
> Don't forget to put this code at the very begining of the PHP FIle.
Sounds to me that some pages are no longer available or have moved.
Use correct headers with this or your search enigne results will drop
like a stone :-(
//Moved pages
header("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: newpage.php");
// page doesn't exist
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
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