Posted by Rik on 06/15/07 20:03
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:19:50 +0200, Ciaran <cronoklee@hotmail.com> wrote=
> Can someone please give me a hand with this?
> $arr=3Darray(2,4,5,6);
> $test=3D'arr';
> echo (eval("$".$test."[0]"));
> I'm trying to get it to echo 2
Eval doesn't return anything if you don't tell it to. You could use a =
return though (the same as in function/methods/included files).
So, to echo it, you could use: echo eval('return $'.$test.'[0]');
The curly braces method as described by others is preferable though.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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