Posted by Sebastiaan 'CrashandDie' Lauwers on 06/16/07 11:35
Armand Brahaj wrote:
> You can do it with headers.
> if ($_GET["p"]==12)
> {
> header("Location: http://www.domain12.com/");
> exit;
> }
So basically, you have a delivery guy transporting a very heavy closet...
He has this address: www.example.com/?p=12
So he goes up the stairs, he has to do 3 floors worth of stairs (of
course the elevator is broken), with his closet, and works his ass up to
the bone in order to get there, he knocks on the door, and yells "I have
a delivery for www.exampl.." and before he even finishes the sentence,
someone answers: "No I'm sorry, you have the wrong address, it's 2
floors lower, second door on the left"...
Kind of ridicule, don't you think ?
So why, oh why, instead of playing ping pong with header requests, don't
you guys learn to properly use redirects ?
header ("Location:") is waaay overrated, just include the correct file,
and you'll be fine, and if you're not, you coded the website like an
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