Posted by Rik on 06/16/07 13:45
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 13:35:23 +0200, Sebastiaan 'CrashandDie' Lauwers =
<crashanddie+usenet@gmail.com> wrote:
> Armand Brahaj wrote:
>> You can do it with headers.
>> if ($_GET["p"]=3D=3D12)
>> {
>> header("Location: http://www.domain12.com/");
>> exit;
>> }
> So basically, you have a delivery guy transporting a very heavy closet=
> He has this address: www.example.com/?p=3D12
> So he goes up the stairs, he has to do 3 floors worth of stairs (of =
> course the elevator is broken), with his closet, and works his ass up =
to =
> the bone in order to get there, he knocks on the door, and yells "I ha=
ve =
> a delivery for www.exampl.." and before he even finishes the sentence,=
> someone answers: "No I'm sorry, you have the wrong address, it's 2 =
> floors lower, second door on the left"...
> Kind of ridicule, don't you think ?
Nope, it isn't. Whatsmore: it's blindingly fast, and the delivery guy wi=
ll =
now know where to deliver it's packages in future. What's ridicule is to=
accept the package and deliver it to your moved neighbour yourself until=
l =
the end of time, again and again and again.
> So why, oh why, instead of playing ping pong with header requests, don=
't =
> you guys learn to properly use redirects ?
> header ("Location:") is waaay overrated, just include the correct file=
, =
> and you'll be fine, and if you're not, you coded the website like an =
> idiot...
On a small site, fine (keep in mind the penalties from search engines fo=
r =
duplicate content though). A correct approach, especially for bigger =
sites, would be a MOVED PERMANENTLY redirect though: no duplicate conten=
t, =
legacy code, problems with relative resources etc. For logging hits it =
would also be preferable, and what's more: search engines recognize =
permanent redirects for what they are (well, at least Google does last =
time I checked), so you don't have to earn your position for the new url=
all over again.
If possibly, I'd opt for the webserver itself to handle this instead of =
PHP though, preferably in the configuration, if not possible at least in=
a =
..htaccess file.
To state 'just include the correct file...(if you're not fine) you coded=
the website like an idiot..' is clearly ignorant on so many levels it =
doesn't dignify an answer.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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