Posted by Sebastiaan 'CrashandDie' Lauwers on 06/16/07 17:13
Rik wrote:
> On a small site, fine (keep in mind the penalties from search engines
> for duplicate content though). A correct approach, especially for bigger
> sites, would be a MOVED PERMANENTLY redirect though: no duplicate
> content, legacy code, problems with relative resources etc. For logging
> hits it would also be preferable, and what's more: search engines
> recognize permanent redirects for what they are (well, at least Google
> does last time I checked), so you don't have to earn your position for
> the new url all over again.
I agree, but I had in mind the recurrent problem you get with "new"
coders that is to header ("Location:"); the whole website into oblivion
just because it looks nice...
The guy doesn't even know to write a conditional statement, you really
think he's into checking his search engine ranking ? I seriously doubt that.
> If possibly, I'd opt for the webserver itself to handle this instead of
> PHP though, preferably in the configuration, if not possible at least in
> a .htaccess file.
Or just don't care ? I mean, I've never had to maintain a website top10
of certain keywords in google, so I don't give a lot, and people who
have outdated bookmarks just don't visit the site all too often, or just
specific contents, and that's the kind of user I want to have, so what
if they don't get what they want ??
Oh and btw, just the for record, if he'd just get used to naming his
variables correctly, maybe he wouldn't have needed to check if there was
a p=12 ? Just ignore the damn thing, as it isn't something he wants.
When my websites don't get correct input data, they just load the
default page, no need for any header of any kind eh...
Or maybe header ("Sorry, the designer of this program isn't an idiot,
please try to really fill in a form before sending anything");
> To state 'just include the correct file...(if you're not fine) you coded
> the website like an idiot..' is clearly ignorant on so many levels it
> doesn't dignify an answer.
Of course it is ignorant, and so what ? header ("Location:") are a waste
of time and resources on most website, because they are used
improperly, this is one of the biggest reasons...
An include will always, ALWAYS, be faster and less resources consuming
than a header ("Location:");, but you already knew that didn't you ?
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